Expanding lifespan has long been a goal for health and wellness professionals. However, simply living longer isn’t enough if we can’t enjoy those extra years in good health. This brings us to the concept of “healthspan”—the period of life during which we are healthy and active.
Healthspan emphasizes quality of life over quantity, focusing on how long we can maintain good health. By prioritizing healthspan, coaches and trainers can help individuals not only live longer but also enjoy a higher quality of life. This holistic approach shifts the focus from just extending life to enhancing the well-being of those years, making longevity a more meaningful pursuit.
What is Healthspan?
Healthspan is a newer idea focused on how long someone is healthy. As many of us know, there is a difference between being alive and truly living. As health and wellness leaders, coaches and trainers have the amazing ability to influence healthspan in each of their clients. Healthspan is different from lifespan as it pays attention to the quality of existence and not just the amount of time you are alive. Lifespan can be extremely important, but only if healthspan grows alongside it.
Key Indicators of Healthspan
There are a few ways to determine healthspan.
- Physical mobility: How well an individual is able to get around and move freely in the world.
- Absence of chronic diseases: The absence of diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease are key indicators to quality of life.
- Mental Health: Healthspan takes a multifaceted look at wellness and includes mentality clarity as an indicator.
Although these aren’t the only indicators, they are some of the top ways to assess healthspan and quality of health. There are also important factors for healthspan that are worth paying attention to.
Healthspan Factors
- Genetic Factors: Genetic factors are out of our control, but it is estimated that 20 to 25 percent of influence on healthspan. Your predisposition to certain diseases, as well as metabolism, inflammatory responses, antioxidant defense, as well as the longevity-associated genes.
- Environmental Factors: While some of the environmental factors are out of our control, some are the outcome of our choices. The city you live in may have impacts like air quality or water quality, access to healthy food (or lack thereof in a food desert), housing situations, climate and weather, and exposure to toxins and chemicals are all major factors of environmental health.
- Lifestyle Choices: This includes food choices, activity levels, adequate sleep, mental health and cognitive function, as well as limiting harmful habits like excessive drinking or smoking. These are some of the most important choices we make in terms of expanding healthspan and lifespan simultaneously.
Ways to Enhance Healthspan
There are several ways towards a longer healthspan. Whether you’re new to this industry or are a lifelong veteran of healthy living, there are several ways to optimize healthspan. Including nutrient-dense foods into your diet and moving your body through walking, working out, or an activity of your choosing are two easy and exceptional ways to increase healthspan.
Prioritize your mental health by spending time with loved ones and your community, seeing a therapist, and doing activities you love. This also includes managing your stress levels, learning how to regulate emotions, and engaging in activities that challenge your brain to learn and grow are all superb ways to foster better healthspan.
Taking action for preventative healthcare rather than reactive healthcare is also of utmost importance. This can take the form of having regular doctors visits, changing behaviors before they are problematic, and having a firm knowledge of your predisposition of certain diseases or conditions that run in your family. It can also include simple acts like wearing SPF in the sun, using beauty and healthcare products free from endocrine disruptors, and eliminating harmful habits like smoking cigarettes from your daily life.
Healthspan for Coaches and Trainers
As health and wellness coaches and trainers, you have a unique ability to influence the healthspan of your clientele. Trainers and coaches are trusted sources of knowledge and wisdom and have authority over their chosen vocation. This allows you to openly share thoughts and ideas with your clients on how they can increase their healthspan.
Whether it is educating your clients on how to incorporate more vitamins and minerals into their diet, cutting back on habits like excess sugar consumption or smoking, and helping them make better choices for themselves, you’re doing your part to educate and increase healthspan. You can foster exercise and community by hosting workout meetups, starting small classes on nutrition, healthy living, or on increasing lifespan!
Final Thoughts
Prioritizing healthspan over lifespan is a paradigm shift that emphasizes the quality of life rather than merely the duration. Health and wellness professionals have a unique role in guiding individuals toward healthier, more fulfilling lives. By focusing on holistic well-being, including physical, mental, and lifestyle factors, we can help people enjoy longer, healthier, and more vibrant years.
As coaches and trainers, your influence extends beyond workouts and diets; you inspire meaningful changes that enhance the healthspan of your clients, leading to a life that’s not just long but rich in health and happiness. Let’s continue to champion the importance of healthspan, ensuring that our extended years are truly worth living.